From the Superintendent

Photo of Superintendent Ellison

Greetings! Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about Spring Valley School District.  

Over the years, our student body has grown dramatically, yet we have maintained our commitment to small classes and individual attention.

At Spring Valley we place a premium on the concept of balance in promoting the health and well-being of our students.  The Executive Director of the National Association of Independent Schools Pat Bassett cites research pointing to two main characteristics shared by the best schools: exceptional teachers and appropriate moral climates.

Ours is a uniquely warm and supportive school community, and we know this enhances every student's learning experience.

Please, take the time to come and see for yourself. We look forward to welcoming you.

Clarissa Ellison, Superintendent

Upcoming Events

  • Book Drive


    Washington Middle School
  • Cafeteria

    PTA Meeting - Fundraising for our school!

    Spring Valley Liberty High School
  • SVLHS Auditorium

    BOE Meeting

    George Washington Carver Elementary School
  • Cafeteria

    PTA Meeting - Fundraising for our school!

    Spring Valley Liberty High School
  • WMS Blood Drive

    Washington Middle School
View Monthly Calendar

News & Announcements

  • Winter Food Drive

    The Spring Valley Food Bank needs help!  We are joining together as a community to help fight hunger by running a food drive to collect nonperishable foods. We ask that you send in one nonperishable food item with your child to their school next Tuesday.  A district truck will pick up all of the contributions and deliver them to soup kitchens, food pantries and other community food programs across the city.

    Spring Valley School District
  • Parent Volunteers - We Need You!

    Please sign up for the bake sale by December 13th. Sales will support our libraries!

    Spring Valley School District
  • Spring Valley School District Schools Open to Faculty Starting August 22

    Faculty looking to start preparing for the upcoming year will be able to prepare starting August 22, when all district schools open their doors. Individual schools may have required start dates for faculty to begin preparations for the year, however, so check up on your school's information for more specific details. Looking forward to the start of another strong year for schools across Spring Valley!

    Spring Valley School District
  • Town Hall Meeting

    Our district superintendent will be presenting plans for the district related to the upcoming vote on school levies. Refreshments will be served. See you there!

    Spring Valley School District
  • Don't forget: Winter Break starts next week

    Winter Break begins on December 21.  The school will be closed except for the athletic events that are scheduled over break.  Access to lockers and other parts of the building will be unavailable.  Enjoy your break, be safe and we'll see you back at school on January 4, ready to dive into learning.

    Spring Valley School District
  • Don't forget: Common Core Parent Meeting Tonight!

    We are getting together tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Spring Valley Liberty High School to answer your questions about the Common Core. See you there!

    Spring Valley School District
  • Volunteers Needed!

    SVSD is looking for some helping hands. Everyday we are lucky to have a team of volunteers working in classes, at school buildings, and with our district team to give us the man power to deliver the best instruction to our students in the healthiest environment. Will you be part of our team? Becoming a volunteer is easy - submit a background check form, wait for approval and then contact your school or the district office for a job. Whether you're interested in helping once or every week, we have something for you.  Thank you!

    Spring Valley School District
  • Common Core Community Q&A Next Tuesday

    Do you have questions or concerns about the CCCSS or the PARCC assessments? We are holding a community meetings next Tuesday, August 24 to talk about how the Common Core impacts instruction at Spring Valley and what we are doing to prepare all students for the PARCC assessments in the spring.
    Spring Valley School District
  • Name our school!

    We are now accepting submissions for our Name Your School contest. Make sure to visit the district's Facebook Page for details. Remember the winner receives an all expenses paid 3 day family cruise over winter break.
    Spring Valley School District
  • Join Us For Community Cares Day- Sat. Aug. 22nd 9am-12pm

    Parents, families and students are asked to join school district staff in a community volunteer event to prepare school grounds for the year. Come to weed, sweep, paint, clean, or spread mulch to get our school grounds looking great and make them safe for the school year. Coffee, cookies and a t-shirt for each volunteer will be available at each school site.
    Spring Valley School District
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